Friday, October 23, 2020

3DE October 2020
Roo fence, wildflowers and budburst #2

Despite the pandemic that has upended lives for most of this year, things at 3DE have continued pretty much as normal. Here in Regional Victoria, the restrictions on movement and public gatherings have not been as strict as in Metropolitan Melbourne but we have tended to stay close to the farm for the most part.
The great thing about that is that 2020 has been the most productive for getting projects completed and jobs ticked off the list, the latest being the completion of the kangaroo fence around the new vineyard. A total of 54 posts were rammed and 230 meters of wire and fence mesh was rolled out and erected around some repurposed cyclone gates found on Facebook Marketplace.

The 305 Grenache vines were planted out at the end of September and a check yesterday revealed that they have all taken and are budding well. A La NiƱa weather pattern has been declared for the coming summer period so October has so far been mild and fairly wet. Perfect conditions for the new vines and recently planted apple and pomegranate trees. 

The Spring rains have also seen an abundance of native wildflowers and orchids pop up around the place creating some nice contrasting colours in the bush. The other things that are popping up at the moment now are the snakes! The warm weather has enticed them out of their winter slumber so vigilance is required during the regular morning bush walk.


Wends has been busy in the veggie garden planting out new seedlings of tomatoes, beetroot, carrots, zucchini, cucumber, eggplant, beans, corn and chilli in the new wicking beds and a "wigwam" structure made from sapling trunks has been erected to support the ever growing raspberry plants.
Also exciting is that after about 8 years, the Macadamia tree has finally flowered! 
Click below to watch video!


As the weather is warming up, some of the 2020 wines in barrel have "woken up" and begun (or re-begun)   secondary (Malolactic) fermentation, a natural process that converts harsher Malic acid components into softer Lactic acid which results in a smoother mouthfeel and texture in the wine. When this is complete, the wines will be assessed and thoughts will turn to blending and other options.
Our Cellar Door will be open again the first full weekend in November (7th and 8th) and we will be pre-celebrating International TEMPRANILLO Day (Nov 12th)!