Sunday, March 29, 2015

Autumn Update

The days are getting shorter and the cold weather is fast approaching. This year will be the first real test of our attemped 8 star energy rating retrofit. With the help of our french HelpXers this summer, we managed to complete the last of the wall insulating and re weatherboarding. We now have floor, ceiling and wall insulation in the whole house and are anticipating a cosy house when the temperature starts getting close to zero as it can in the depths of winter in Heathcote. 

I'm hesitant to say that the house is nearly finished after 7yrs of hard work but with all the internal painting nearly finished, the bathroom renovation also nearly complete with a new solid jarrah vanity top, basin and mixer, all that needs doing are the polishing of the floors. 

The main job over the coming months is to prepare the vineyard site for planting in October this year and order the Tempranillo vines!