Monday, August 1, 2016

The (overdue) Winter update!

It's been a while since the last blog post and so much has happened since April! We're in the middle of the wettest winter we've experienced here at Three Dams and the first time that all the dams are overflowing in July! We've also experienced some pretty extreme temperatures over the last few months and gone through a decent amount of firewood! There has also been a few glorious sunny days but unfortunately not enough to fully recharge the new battery bank we installed a few months ago. The new battery bank has actually provided all the power we require this winter and we haven't needed to use the generator at all so far but the size of the bank requires a larger solar array so the decision has been made to upgrade the PV array. 
Back in 2008 when we set up the initial off grid system, one 120 watt solar panel cost nearly $900. In 2016, I can get 6 x 250 watt panels for a bit over $1100 so over the next few weeks I'll be replacing the under performing 780 watt array with a brand new 1.5kw array.
The depths of winter bring a new task this year...grape vine pruning! Due to the dry summer conditions last year and the subsequent problems with roo and wallaby damage to the newly planted Tempranillo vines, they will need to be pruned back harder than we would have liked. This will be done over the next few weeks and a roo protection fence will be constructed.
All in all, as usual plenty to do at Three Dams.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Autumn is here. April 2016

Well here we are again in another Autumn at Three Dams. As you can see above that we've been enjoying some lovely sunsets as the shorter, mild days and cool nights are starting to come. The summer as usual had its moments with some insanely hot (43 deg) days and blustering northerly winds that put everyone on high bushfire alert. It's the kind of weather where you spend a lot of time peering into the horizon over the trees hoping not to see a telltale plume of smoke! Thankfully we got through ok and are now settling in for log fires and hearty slow cooked meals with plenty of red wine again!
The vineyard also managed to withstand the weather but didn't fare so well with the wildlife! All the vines bar one are alive and healthy despite most of the new growth being devoured by the kangaroos and wallabies. This is apparently no big deal in the first year but our priority before next spring is to erected a high fence right around the vineyard. 
In other news, our new battery bank is installed and functioning well. We now have a capacity of 880 Ah with is more than 4 times what we had before and will hopefully allow us a few days autonomy in the event of cloudy skies. 

The extra power we have now enables us to also run our new (second hand) split system AC unit during extreme weather days. The house is becoming more comfortable everyday and Wends is very happy with the new lounge room layout complete with new (EBay $20) rug! Now you can watch the fire and the TV at the same time!

The garden has produced the usual abundance of nectarines, cherry tomatoes and also lots of apples as well this year. The new system of pumping dam water up to a holding tank to use for garden watering has been a great success and has meant we haven't had to buy in any water this year so far. Some heavy Jan and Feb showers also helped fill the tanks. 
So for now, it's back to enjoying the Autumn days and moving to inside jobs as we move towards winter in Heathcote again. 
Ziggy of course will get any rays of sun whenever he can!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Happy New Year! Summer update 2016

As usual, it has been a busy time at Three Dams over the last few months. The good news is that all but one of the 311 vines we planted back in early October have survived the summer so far but the local are wreaking havoc! Due to the lack of Spring and Summer rain, the only food available for the kangaroos and wallabies has been our vines so for a brief period around Christmas we had what looked like a real vineyard with lots of growth trailing along the cordon wire. Alas after an invasion by a mob of Roos one night, the whole vineyard was decimated and all the shoots eaten back to the top of the vine guard! The experts here in Heathcote have reassured us that this is not a big problem in the first year so long as the vines get their roots down deep and get established. 

The other problem with the lack of rainfall is the ability to keep the water up to the vineyard and all the veggies and fruit trees so we've set up a separate watering system using dam water pumped up into a 10,000 litre holding tank. With a bit of help from Google and some bits from the hardware, I've managed to set up an automated watering system, entirely solar powered that waters everything at pre determined intervals. 

In other news, right on cue, the nectarines are back! Smaller than last year (also due to the lack of rain) but sweeter than ever! We also had plenty of apricots, plums and a few peaches with the apples and figs still a few weeks away. All in all, the weather has been a challenge but in the last few days we've had about 45mm of rain with 42mm of that coming in about 2 hrs on Wednesday in a massive stormy downpour.

The energy efficiency of the house is ever improving. We recently made up some roll-up shade cloth blinds to protect the western side of the house from the afternoon sun. We even sourced a very efficient split system AC unit from EBay that we can run off the solar panels in the event of extreme weather. By closing up the house in the early morning, it remains a good 8-10 degrees cooler inside than out mainly due to the wall, floor and ceiling insulation and remote roof extraction fan..

But if you're feeling too hot, there's always our new pool for a cooling dip!