It's been a while since the last blog post and so much has happened since April! We're in the middle of the wettest winter we've experienced here at Three Dams and the first time that all the dams are overflowing in July! We've also experienced some pretty extreme temperatures over the last few months and gone through a decent amount of firewood! There has also been a few glorious sunny days but unfortunately not enough to fully recharge the new battery bank we installed a few months ago. The new battery bank has actually provided all the power we require this winter and we haven't needed to use the generator at all so far but the size of the bank requires a larger solar array so the decision has been made to upgrade the PV array.
Back in 2008 when we set up the initial off grid system, one 120 watt solar panel cost nearly $900. In 2016, I can get 6 x 250 watt panels for a bit over $1100 so over the next few weeks I'll be replacing the under performing 780 watt array with a brand new 1.5kw array.
The depths of winter bring a new task this year...grape vine pruning! Due to the dry summer conditions last year and the subsequent problems with roo and wallaby damage to the newly planted Tempranillo vines, they will need to be pruned back harder than we would have liked. This will be done over the next few weeks and a roo protection fence will be constructed.
All in all, as usual plenty to do at Three Dams.
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